"Dope Ball (Interlude)"

Ladies & gentlemen, I like to introduce you all to a new game.
It's called DopeBall.
Similar rules & regulations, but at the same time very different.

Goes a lil' something like this.

It's not pick 'n' roll, it's more like pick a roll.
What you gon' push? We waste a blow.
If it's all 3, then that's the 3 from the top of the key, before you cup a brick, scrape some grams off the top of the key.
Same for the blow, we call those free throws, they call 'm' cheerleaders, we call 'm cheap hoe's.
Find some low ones, have them beg a few O's.
Next thing you know your puttin' numbers on the boat.
The whole point is to stay on the courts, but in this game the whole point is to stay outta courts.
Yeah they similar, but not the same sports.
Both international, import, export.
Extort & if you get caught, the law is like referee, it can get bought.
Extort & if you get caught, the law is like referee, it can get bought.

DopeBall, DopeBall, we play, we play, we playin' DopeBall, DopeBall.
This is called what? DopeBall, DopeBall!
I know y'all later, if you push weighter, you see a DopeBall~!