
A relic of the iron curtain; she's power-dressed and Stalinesque.
Our regal bee to drop the axe like an anvil-built Olympiad?
Can I get a fucking witness? My room is veined in Stasi wire.
We pull the wool over her eyes just like Shostakovich with his ninth.
Underneath the radar, can I be detected?
Hidden in the margins, we are not born, we are not.
Underneath the radar, can I be detected?
Around the curfew, we are not born, we are not.
Throwing her head back and laughing, molars crowned in SS gold.
Can I get a witness? This ego in landing, strikes a pose befitting.
Underneath the radar, can I be detected?
Hidden in the margins, we are not born we are not.
We are not born, we are not.